Sep 30, 2014

DeNA acquires 2 curation platform companies, Iemo and Mery

DeNA inc., announced on October 1 that they have acquired 2 Japanese curation platform companies, Iemo inc., ( and Peroli inc., (

It is DeNA's first time to operate curation platform business.

Iemo ( is a curation platform of housing and lifestyle, started in December 2013, and has 1.5 million MAU (monthly active users).

Mery ( is also a new service which started in April 2013, focusing on female fashon, and has 12 million MAU on September 2014.

Both get more than 90% of traffic through smart phones, and more than 90% of users are female.

DeNA aims for 50 million MAU in a few years, by launching new curation platforms of other verticals, and exchanging users between these platforms.
Also they plan to generate revenue from the platforms by connecting the users to their existing advertising and e-commerce business in the future.

source - press release from DeNA

Sep 16, 2014

nend adopted AdMob Ad Network Optimization & Interstitial Mediation

nend, one of the largest mobile ad network in Japan, has adopted with Ad Network Optimization feature on AdMob Mediation.

Using Ad Network Optimization, developers can change the prioritization of ad networks (including AdMob itself) in AdMob Mediation stack, based on eCPM which AdMob scrapes from nend's reporting API.

To access the API, you need an Report API Key in addition to API Key and Spot ID.
Here is the instruction how to acquire the Report API Key.

In addition, nend has updated their mediation adopter and now developers can mediate nend and AdMob in an interstitial (full screen) ad unit.

Original article: Inside AdSense Blog (JP), Press Release by Fan Communications (nend)